Kindergarten- 6th Grade
Our students’ learning is fostered in an enriching environment to provide intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual development. Our class size is limited to eighteen students (and classes are often smaller), allowing the teacher to meet and develop the unique interests of each child. Our rigorous curriculum provides the students with a strong academic foundation in math, science, reading, writing, grammar, social studies, and Bible in an engaging way. Weekly enrichment activities include physical education, geography club, music, Spanish, and art.
Currently offering:
24-25 School Year Kindergarten-8th Grade - 5 days a week
K-3 grades doors open at 8:40am with school starting at 8:50am and dismissing at 3:20pm.
4th-8th doors open at 8:30am with school starting at 8:40am and dismissing at 3:10pm.

Why Southside?
Rigorous Curriculum
Bible Program
World Geography
Classroom Economy
1:1 Technology
Elementary Curriculum & Programs
Music Programs
Musical training helps develop and strengthen language skills, reasoning, memorization, and coordination. Music education also provides a sense of achievement, allows for creative thinking, develops spatial intelligence, and encourages teamwork.
Early elementary students (K-4th) learn age-appropriate music theory, sing in choir, and learn rhythm and beat with a variety of classroom percussion instruments. Fourth grade students learn to play the recorder. Upper elementary and middle school students (5th-8th) have the opportunity to participate in either band or strings at Southside.
Classroom Economy
In Southside classrooms, students participate in a Classroom Economy program which instills basic financial responsibility and teaches the value of delayed gratification. Students earn and spend money in a simulated microeconomy with increasingly complex financial concepts as students get older.
Bible and Character Development
- Bible Curriculum for Defendable Faith
- Friendzy - Social Emotional Learning
Foreign Language -
All students (K-6th) take ASL as a supplemental class. Learning a foreign language offers intellectual, social, and collegiate opportunities.
- Eureka Math
Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar
- Open Court (Kindergarten-4th Grade)
- Novel Studies (2nd- Middle School)
- Greek and Latin Roots (5th-Middle School)
- 6+1 Traits Of Writing
- Printing (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
- Cursive (2nd Grade & Up)
Social Studies
Our social studies units integrate reading, writing, hands-on projects, readers’ theater, map skills and art.
- Kindergarten- Others and Me
- 1st Grade- My Family and Other Families, Now and Long Ago
- 2nd Grade-My Community and Other Communities
- 3rd Grade- Culture: People, Places, and Environment
- 4th Grade- Washington State History
- 5th Grade- US History (pre-colonial period to Independence)
- 6th Grade – Ancient Civilizations
Our Biblically-based science curriculum is rich in hands on learning and experiments.
- A Reason For Science (1st-3rd Grade)
- ACSI Purposeful Design (4th-Middle School)
Students have a one-to-one ratio with technology. Each student is assigned their own personal device to use throughout the school year. Kindergarten students have tablets. 1st-8th grades have chromebooks.

Would you like to schedule a tour? Do you have questions? We are happy to help and would love to meet with you!